Life at LCS


Service to others is at the heart of the vision at LCS. Jesus’ fundamental command to love God and to love others calls us to something greater than ourselves. We cannot follow his command if we are only concerned with our own lives because Jesus tells us to look outward to God and to those around us. To be Christ followers, to show his love to others, to be people who engage and transform for Jesus, is to recognize the brokenness in ourselves and all around us and respond to His call to bring shalom to the world.

Middle and High School Service


Each June, middle school students take a day to serve the custodians and teachers in a variety of ways such as cleaning out lockers, helping teachers prepare classrooms for summer, organizing books, cleaning classroom materials, spending time with elementary students, and pitching in to help with whatever else is needed in wrapping up the school year. 


While the juniors and seniors are on their class trips, 9th and 10th grade students serve a variety of organizations in the Greater Lansing Community over the course of three days. Service Week has been a long-standing tradition at LCS. The purpose of this week is to help our students see and understand some of the needs in their own community, to teach our students the necessary skills and etiquette for meeting community needs in a variety of settings, and to help create a context and enthusiasm for serving in God’s kingdom for a lifetime!  


The high school Biology classes have been learning about the microorganisms that can be found in unclean drinking water as well as those that cause malaria. Rather than just learn about these problems and move on, we are choosing to make a difference in our world by helping those who are affected by such microorganisms.

Through multiple creative efforts including designing and selling vinyl stickers and t-shirts, this year’s Biology classes raised more than $10,000 to donate to World Vision. This money will be used to provide clean water and mosquito bed nets to families around the world who are in need! In the last fifteen years the Biology classes have collectively donated more than $81,000 to World Vision through this project.

Elementary Service Teams

Safety Patrol members are 5th graders who help our students and their families safely cross the parking lots when school is out. Each safety patrol member trains their incoming classmate. They serve faithfully through rain, snow, and hot weather, and always with a smile!

Kindergarten helpers are 4th grade volunteers who help walk our kindergarten students out safely to their cars in the afternoons. They serve with patience and kindness.