LCS Stories
Marian – 8th Grade
What do you love about LCS?
I love that at LCS, you feel like everyone is family. Your teachers work with you on a personal level to help you understand the material. I can’t even explain how amazing the friendships are that I have made. I know that they will last a lifetime. You are just so close with the Lord where ever you go. It’s amazing!
What are you looking forward to in high school?
I’m really looking forward to science classes in high school because I have heard AMAZING things about them! Science is my all time favorite subject so I can not wait to experience it in high school.
Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite
My favorite teacher would have to be Mr. Hebden. He’s calm and cool in the classroom and he just makes you feel comfortable. His classes are always enjoyable whether we’re learning about the Civil War or James Madison.
In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at LCS?
In my 5 years at Lansing Christian, I have grown so much in my faith. Being at this school has taught me so much about the Lord and it has helped me so much on my journey with Christ. It has encouraged me to take leaps in my faith and to step out onto the waters. It has been an amazing experience.
How do you live and learn in Christian community?
In this Christian community, Christianity is incorporated into every class. Whether it be gym, art, science, language arts, social studies, or math, the teachers always find a way. It’s amazing to know that our teachers, even though they may be different from us, have the same solid faith in the Lord as we do.
What is your favorite school memory?
My favorite memory from my years at LCS is participating in the middle school musical in 7th grade. I bonded so much with students in my class and in the grade above me. I was able to break out of my comfort zone and express myself through the process. Rehearsals were always a blast, the laughter never stopped. It was an amazing experience and I would do it again in a heart beat.