
The Core Values That Shape Lansing Christian School

Most mission-based organizations establish core values to guide their work, and Lansing Christian School (LCS) is no different. But where do core values come from? Why are they important? And how do they influence a child’s experience at school?

A decade ago, the LCS Board of Trustees and administration set out to clearly define the school’s core values. These values are more than just guiding principles—they are embedded in the DNA of LCS. They have long been evident in the school’s culture, shaping its approach to education and community life. At the heart of LCS are four essential core values: Striving for Excellence, Glorifying God in All of Life, Cultivating Christian Community, and Partnering with Parents.

These values serve as the foundation for everything at LCS, from classroom learning to decision-making and strategic planning. They influence how teachers engage with students, how families experience the school community, and how leadership stewards the mission of Christ-centered education.

More than just words on paper, these values shape the character and development of LCS students. They are lived out daily—in academic pursuits, in the dedication of faculty and staff, and in the relationships that form within the school community.

Christian education is both a commitment and an investment for families. As parents reflect on their journey at LCS, they can find hope in knowing that their investment is shaping their children in meaningful ways—academically, spiritually, and personally—every single day.